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The Massey Winter Chess Tournament was held on Friday, December 1 at Vincent Massey Secondary School. In attendance, there were 50+ players from all across the city! Students participated in a 5-round tournament. The top finishers are as follows:

Grades K-5:

Placement Name Score /5
1 Titan Wang 5.0
2-6 Luke Zeng 4.0
2-6 Tim Wei 4.0
2-6 Uzair Haroon 4.0
2-6 Sahasra Gollapalli 4.0
2-6 William Leblanc-Brown 4.0

Grades 6-8:

Placement Name Score /5
1 Sanchay Dhankhar 5.0
2-5 Barry Ma 4.0
2-5 Angelo Malpica 4.0
2-5 Joshua Johnson 4.0
2-5 Kavin Sampath 4.0

Thanks to everyone for coming! We hope to see you at our next tournament!
